
Red Worm

red worm

[Eisenia fetida]

Although red worms do not prey on other bugs, they are the perfect solution for composting and soil aeration. Our red worms are bed run (grown outdoors in long rows). Each red worm ingests its weight in organic matter every 24 hours. Its intricate digestive tract makes it possible for the earthworms to excrete highly nutritious fertilizer known as castings.


  • Composting
  • Decomposing organic matter
  • Soil aeration
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Release Instructions:

  • Red worms are packaged in ventilated containers mixed with soil and food. Red worms will vary in size. Packages include eggs, newborn worms, and adults. The mature size will be reached (about three inches in length) in 6 to 12 months.
  • Make sure your release site is moist. Worms should be scattered on top of the soil of gardens, potted plants, or lawns.
  • Release in the evening after watering. Worms will then burrow into the earth and immediately begin their soil-improving tasks.
  • If placing the worms in your garden, do several release sites. For compost piles, simply add the worms to your bins, and the worms will seek out the food.